kz Torch - for LG G4 *ROOT*

by androidlover5842



**** HOLD PRESS THE QUICK TOGGLE FOR ITS MAIN ACTIVITY WHICH IS SETTINGS ****Using this small app, you can change the brightness of your G4s torch! What you need is to have root access. The rest is as easy as breathing!kz Torch has an interface for setting the level of the brightness but it is not listed in application menu. To open the interface, pull down quick toggles, click on edit, and add kz Torch to your quick toggles, then save the current layout. After all, hold down kz Torch icon and you must be done! Grant the root access and set the level to which level you wish!Should you need any help, connect with me via e-mail or get help on XDA Developers Forum.E-mail: [email protected] Forum: